Saturday, August 27, 2005

The Planet's are Aligning... Again

d.k. inspired this entry.

Every once in awhile, Amused Muse and I will have strange things happen. Events, people, or just plain weird sh*t, from our past will raise their ugly heads, or intriguing heads, and it seems to happen about the same time for both of us. One of us will call the other and state "the planets must be aligning". Then we both laugh and compare stories. We were both born in the same month, with about a week between birthdays... so we think it has something to do with that, even though our ages are not close.

An example, trying to make it short and sweet... I met a man while in another city last November, we exchanged phone numbers, spent a lovely evening together, just drinking and dancing, nothing more. He promised he would drive the distance to see me. Ever since he has been trying to get me to drive to his city again... and I refuse, I can't be gone with my son's situation. In June, he called again, along with a man I know in Florida who wanted me to drive to see him as well, and another guy who had been trying for two weeks to "pick me up" through the internet was trying to get me to come see him....

Early June Amused Muse called and said her planets were aligning how about mine... uh yeah, check this out... told her, she told me hers, what's up with that?

You never know who you will hear from or run into, but inevitably it won't be the people you really want to hear from or see...

*sidenote: I have driven to meet men, see men, etc several times in my life, only once was it worth it for me, and they never come to see me, so I refuse to do it ever again, until a man shows me he will drive the distance first. I am lonely, but I am not that lonely anymore.

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