Monday, August 22, 2005

First Day of School

Yes, I woke up very early and couldn't go back to sleep. I relayed my post about what I do for my insomnia to Amused Muse. She said "You gave them all those things to try when they don't even work for you?" and today or last night, they didn't....

Anyway, I didn't dream about school, I am sure that will be tonight. I didn't have trouble going to sleep and I didn't have trouble staying asleep until 4 am, so I might as well get up and get ready for my day.

Wish me luck! Send me good vibes throughout the day. Think of all those little darlings who don't know how to line up in a line, stay in their seats, transition from one activity to another, and who would like to be at home, just like I would, with their moms to the point some (several) of them cry before the day is out.

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