Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Lists, Lists, and Lists

I know it is early, but hey, my day is starting early...

List for the day,

Quit blogging long enough to take a shower ... done
Pack that bag I didn't get packed on yesterday's list ... done
Take Rock Jock the bike so he can do his magic on it ...done
Go see my new professional digs ...done
drive over 550 miles to my mom's ...done
Go with mom to get Micro Office for her computer ... we went but we didn't get it, but did get rum and diet coke with lime, so yeah, think I will have a drink or two instead of paper writing...
Write those damn papers for my masters (now there are three, they are like rabbits you know, and if something were going to be like rabbits, that isn't what I would want it to be)
hmmm, much shorter list, same amount of daytime, we will see what happens.

Have a great one...


Bennu said...


I arrived at 4:30 CST, that was record timing for driving, I was accused of flying...

what speed limit? I don't need no stinkin' speed limit

but then she had to take me to shop for stuff I didn't need and didn't want to take me to the places I needed to go... like to get new base makeup since I have a tan now and to look at the sale at Chicos.

and yes your guess, as much as I hate to admit it, is true.

Bennu said...


Funny you should mention the low level flying... I stopped to "rest" at a roadside rest area near Cotton Center (yes that is a town), and there was a crop duster working right next to it... talk about low flying... lol, it was cool, I do miss seeing them, and the red clay and the dry heat (as opposed to the sauna sweltering heat of SA)