Saturday, July 23, 2005

It was a Wonderful Day

After a very late night of drinking and good conversation with a friend who drove over from San Antonio to see me, we got up this morning and did the "Tourist Thing" in downtown Galveston. What kind of friend/mother would I be if I didn't get a few souvenirs for when I return home next week. Picked up a bit of the beach to take home with me as well. A round glass ball with sand and seashells inside, so I can return to the beach each time I gaze upon it.
After lunch we returned to my summer abode and my friend drove off into the sunset, well... ok, he drove west... if the sun was going down it would have been into the sunset. Hmmm... it was only 3 pm, what should I do? The one and only answer GO TO THE BEACH, Rah Rah Siss Boom Bah (that was for Alex, to add to the excitement of the beach idea).
Layed on the beach, on my new beach mat (which stinks up my car and I thought a dead animal was in there, but no, just the beach mat), drinking water, reading, eating fresh cherries, getting upset when people were so insensitive to block the sun from turning me into a golden sun goddess. I was nice though, just gave them the evil eye through my sunglasses and didn't scream or yell. After all, I was at the beach, it is soothing, I never grit my teeth at the beach, or lose my temper, or tell those spoiled rotten brats that are in their late teens that I parked my caboose at the far end of the beach area so others would not come near me and block my sun, pollute my beach sounds with their droning banter that is not interesting, or feed the stinking rats with wings... but oh I wanted to... then they left... hmmmm my mental telepathy classes must be paying off.
Returned from the beach about the time the sun was setting, and voila, my cell rings, friend on the island says "Hey, what are you doing? Care to join me for a cocktail and dinner?"
My "miss manners" kicks me in the butt... "Hey!" she squeals, "Don't you dare think about saying sure, when it is nearly 8 pm, he didn't call until just now, and that is just not the way things are done! Don't be easy!".... and I say to him "Sure, are you at Mario's?, great I will be there in a bit".
Dinner? well it was great Italian food, at a local spot, not Mario's, and the company was fair to midland. He, apparently, had been drinking for quite a while before I got to Mario's and the conversation was sprinkled with many colorful words, and gestures, and he just kept ordering beers... I had one drink, saw where the night was going and stopped... after all, if I was in a wreck or had to walk home, I wanted to have my facilities or faculties, or wit.. yeah wit about me.

So is the glass half empty or half full? lol, I am sick of hearing that term, so I like how the author of Savage Chickens put it... I think it is half full, but I bet there is arsenic in it... lol!!!

It was a great day overall. I am much more clever when I have interaction with other people during the day. We will see if that is still true in a month, after having 20 s0me odd others in my presence everyday... what stories I will have to tell then.

Pumpkin Time and I am not even sleepy, Good night my sweet, I will not go lightly into this good night...


Bennu said...

Hey, I am Miss Spontaneity! which is better than Miss Congeniality.. after all I went, I ate, I was merry... but yes, I know the rules, but rules are made to be broken right?

Bennu said...

You are most welcome! I had not looked at it in some time, so when your wording in your post was different than mine, I thought, hey, I should look at that again, I have just been using that phrase as a "cliche'" of sorts, since many people I know would not have caught it at all.

Kinky Friedman, yes indeed, he may well be the next governor, check out his blog at

it is impressive that you know who he is, many Texans don't and I didn't have the impression that you were a Texan, but I don't know why.. I was thinking a little bit bigger city that uses fruit as their moniker.

Bennu said...


That is a huge compliment to me, and I did not read it with any sarcasm, so I hope you weren't using any.

Most people I know, who aren't Texans, don't speak highly of those of us who are, or our state. I wondered if I wasn't worldly enough to understand their point, but now I have decided they are just jealous that they aren't Texans and/or they haven't spent any time in this amazing state.

Now, that isn't to say that I don't enjoy visiting other states, or think they aren't great places, just that I haven't found one I wanted to live in as much as Texas.

Bennu said...

yes, the same area too, I like her blog with her artwork, esp. the wishbones and the capital in the fog.

What a small world, she and I live in a 100 mile radius and we ran across each other on your blog on the internet. Wonders never cease to amaze me.

Bennu said...

Yes, Lance did win, and since Austin is not far away, I listen to an Austin radio station on my way to work, so he is often in the news. All week it has looked like he would win... to listen to him speak, when talking about life and overcoming cancer, he is a fabulous motivator in regards to making your life the best you can regardless of your circumstances.

Sheryl said...

Hi guys,

Thanks for the kind words about my wishbones.

So where in San Antonio are you from? I live near Huebner at Babcock.

Bennu said...

Hey Sheryl,

Wondered where you were today... I don't live in San Antonio, but I do work there, near Bandera and 4-10.

I am very familiar with your neighborhood. Babcock is a great way to cut from 1604 back to Huebner and avoid some traffic. Do you sell your artwork? or is it just for fun?