Sunday, July 24, 2005

Babies, Dogs, Sea Shells, YellowTail, and An Amazing Day at the Beach PART I

While at the beach today two young motherly types with a toddler chose to place their things next to my beach party of one. They took the little girl and sat her down in the shallowest area of the water. I watched her as they stood and talked right above her. She would start to get up and try to stand in the sand and waves rolling in (small waves for most folks, fairly big waves for her). It has been a long time since I have the opportunity to watch a small child examine and maneuver in the world around them. If you have the chance, pay attention to how they get up from a sitting to a standing position. Most grownups do not get up this way, nor does anyone over the age of 3 for the most part. I do though, so it was very intriguing and a little disheartening, like returning to the state of a baby, which is what they say happens to you when you are old. I was thinking they were talking much much older. Of course, the reason I get up that way is due to my bum knee since I had surgery on it. It still doesn't make me any less self conscious of how I look when I get up off the floor or the beach chair or the blanket on the sand.

It was quite an aha moment, now I can just say I am in my second childhood. She was a gorgeous baby too, very fair skinned, red hair, great curiousity... and somehow, she knew not to put the seaweed in her mouth but she did pass it from one hand to the other, and despite losing her footing and plopping back down in a seated position she kept getting up and trodding off again.


Bennu said...

Geez, I hope you weren't watching my awkwardness as I got up to get to get in the water...

BTW, thanks, I am working on my writing skills, but for the most part this blog is to help boost my creativity and avoid stagnation.

Bennu said...

I am not self-conscious about swimsuits, I am self-conscious about my bum knee and inability to do things the way I once could, such as getting up from a sitting position on the floor to a standing position, or squatting down to see what is on a lower shelf at the grocery store.

The swim suit saga, well that is interesting, look for a future post on my blog with that title.