Sunday, July 24, 2005

Babies, Dogs, Sea Shells, YellowTail, and An Amazing Day at the Beach PART II

I keep trying to figure out why people bring their dogs to the beach.

Are they trying to meet other people? I mean, everyone knows that (some) men think that having a dog, walking a dog, etc. is a great way to attract women.

Do they think it is just what a dog wants to do? I mean I love drinking the salt water and sweating through my fur coat, esp. the black one. I also like sitting for hours under the umbrella when the person I am with just wants to sit in the shade at the beach... but if you were a dog, would you understand it and say, yeah I want to do that all day?

There was a guy there with his black lab who loved playing fetch with some toy the guy kept throwing into the surf. It was fun to watch for a minute, but then he saw a gal who had her lab there with her too... hmmm... if I set up a blog for my dog, would that attract your dog .....
While the adults were talking the dogs were playing keep away with the fetch toy, and that was very entertaining. The dogs were more interesting than their owners, and I have a feeling that is why I don't take my dog to the beach... that, and he is an Alaskan Malamute who is afraid of the water.

1 comment:

Bennu said...

He is an outside only dog, and I promise I won't post any of his hair, howls, or slobber on this blog... so not to worry, I wouldn't risk losing you...

Dog? what dog? I don't see no stinking dog...