Sunday, September 18, 2005

Mow Mow Mow

Woo Hoo... the yard is finally mowed. The Man/child has adopted a surrogate family for himself. They have a mower. He mowed their lawn. They sent their daughter over to mow our yard. Now it is done. Woo Hoo.

The kicker, I live in a duplex and we share a small yard in the front of the house then we each have a side yard by the driveway and then we each have a large back yard. The TACKY, and I mean TACKY and that is putting it kindly, neighbors only moved in in late July. The first time they mowed about 3 weeks ago, they chose to mow half, HALF< of the effing front yard, that is the size of a postage stamp... can you tell I was pissed?

LSS. I had the man/child mow the entire yard and he even volunteered to mow their side yard, but they declined the offer.

The neighbor I had before them was much kinder. She was in her 80's and we mowed for her often. When she had the yard done, she had them mow for us as well....

anyway, MOW MOW MOW, it is done... woohoo...

of course, my master's class work for the week is not, and I am conducting a staff development session tomorrow night on differentiating instruction using webquests in the classroom and I have NOT even put it together yet. I have taught it before, so it shouldn't be a biggie...

d.K., the weekend was a good one, mixed with the bad, but hey, that's life... it could have been worse... my yard might still be needing a mow.


Anonymous said...

mow mow mow
mow the yard
up and down the side
merrily merrily merrily mow
life is but a breeze

I hope you left some ants for me....

Anonymous said...

Hey everyone

I'm sure you all remember Cherie who used to come by Bennu's to visit. Bennu and I were wondering about her so I emailed her. She left for Louisiana the same time I left for my trip to Europe.

Her family is from New Orleans and she is now trying to cope with havinga large group of people in her own home in Florida.

So she said thanks for thinking of her, her kids are fine, her husband is fine. HEr parents etc are fine though obviously lots of damage and financial nightmare via insurance to come for months.

No blogging for a long time, but thanks for the kind thoughts and when she can, she'll be back


Bennu said...

you mean that AT has a bend in his road? that is sexy...

Bennu said...

You were having a sex gossiping session and you didn't invite me?