Saturday, September 24, 2005

Edumacating Rita, I mean Alex about Rita

High winds, whirling around, torrential rains, and sea surges, or rises in the tides that are substantial.
Category ONE to FOUR, and all are serious.
After it hits land, the air, land, etc. slows it down, it dumps most of the rain, the other "highs" and "lows" of air on the land will determine if it just blows through, or if it stalls and sits and dumps more rain (as Rita is expected to do) but yes, the wind dies down, eventually. Tornadoes occur when the cold air mass of the hurricane hit the hot air mass over the land.

That is my own understanding, I am sure an expert meteorologist could edumacate you better than I, at least where weather is concerned.

Somebody doesn't want you to come to TX, but it isn't me... I can't wait to see if what WW told me is, (WW, don't tell him a thing, keep our secret)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Blast...that girl is good at keeping secrets...what is this the YaYa sisterhood?

My friend is in great condition. SHe reported no major damage, they just lost power from morning till now, but other than that, lucky break with Rita verring off...

I'll be in touch later, am trying to get some work done