Sunday, September 11, 2005

The Man/Child strikes again

Took the Man/Child to eat with me yesterday, after spending all my quarters (not state quarters, but older ones, I save every state quarter I get) vacuuming out the Honda. I was hot, tired, and had a car that was a bit cleaner on the inside, so I was feeling good. I felt generous, told him he could go if he would help with Kitchen and Bathroom cleaning. He agreed. When we got home, he watched TV, then announced he was going to a friend's house to watch a movie.... and promised he would not go anywhere today (Sunday) until the cleaning was done.

I did some of my stuff, then watched The Upside Of Anger (good flick) and fell asleep about 9 pm. I went to bed, didn't take my cell phone with me, since I was snoozing in the chair, and didn't think about it.

Woke up at midnight, youngest man/child wasn't home... found my cell phone, there is a message, he has taken it upon himself to determine that it was ok to stay over at the friend's house. It was not. I called the number back, no answer. I couldn't go back to sleep, I watched TV, fell asleep after 2. Woke up about 8 this morning, waited til 10 and called. Told the m/c to come home NOW.... that I was not happy....

Why do they think that what they do doesn't effect/affect anyone else? I am so angry, I made him the list of all the things to do before I consider the kitchen and bathroom clean. Took away the futon mattress and said that he should have it done before I leave at 4. We will see....

I am sure I will be re-cleaning... but oh well...

Heck, I wish I had someone to spend the night with.... so I understand the feeling although I hope the lines aren't as parallel as they could be.

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