Friday, March 17, 2006

Who Knew?

You're 60% Irish

You're very Irish, and most likely from Ireland.
(And if you're not, you should be!)


mrhaney said...

hello bennu. first i would like to thank you for dropping by my blog. i visit walker every day. he is a smart guy and i like his post. whenever some one new replies to my post i add their link to my sidebar just in case they drop by again. if they do not then shame on them because they will miss a lot of good post from me. i try to post every day . i would not normally haver time but i am retired now. my wife and i share the same computer so some times it is hard for me to get on. my grammar and spelling are bad so you will have to overlook it.
as far as being irish, i am not but would not mind going to ireland and to tell you the truth i do not have any desire to leave the united states. if i were to though ireland would be my first choice. i do not know what my second choice would be.
well thanks for dropping by and if you go to ramblin on in the next few days check my favorite blog list and you should see your link. have a good day.

Le laquet said...

70% .... guinness in my veins don't you know!