Monday, March 20, 2006

Ticket to Six Flags.... I don't know 25 bucks, Yosemite Sam stuffed toy, 12 bucks or so, but True Love.... PRICELESS

It is a new experience for me this year teaching Kindergarten. I love it. I am pleasantly surprised by my students daily, but today was PRICELESS...

They missed me, they hugged me as I greeted them at the door.
In the middle of them charting their lunch choices on Excel, writing their daily journals about the best thing that happened to them all week, and getting ready to do the Macarena singing about the days of the week, one of my charges says, "Ummm, Ms. Bennu (no that is not my real name), Look at my picture.", now this child is my most free drawing challenged child. He makes things minute and globby chunky, and you can never tell what they are, then the coloring consists of huge sweeps of color back and forth covering the whole page and disguising the picture beyond recognition (as if there were any to begin with). "Ummm... yes, Isaiah, I see that you had a great time during spring break! Tell me all about it."

"We went to Sixflagsfiestatexas." he says as if it is one big word strung together and speaking very quickly.

"Oh well that is great, tell me what your are doing there in your picture." I respond smiling.

He is telling me, while I am looking straight at him, and yet right now I cannot recall what he said. When he was finished, he said "Oh, and I brought you something!"

"YOU DID? how sweet" I said with my ears perked and my eyes lighting up...

"yes, it is in my backpack." he grinned and said cheerfully

"Well go get it." I direct him to his cubbie

Long story short, he brought me a cartoon character. A small stuffed Yosemite Sam.

"So... Isaiah, Yosemite Sam? What made you pick him?" I asked curiously.

"It was all I could get, I didn't have any more money." He said with a huge grin on his face.

"Well, what did you get for you?" I ask, fearing the answer.

"Nothing, just that." He stated with a wonderfully matter of fact voice.

"Well, doesn't he look great here on my freshly cleaned desk?" I inquire, "Thank you Isaiah, that was very thoughtful of you, but I hope you got something to eat while you were there too."

At that statement he looked at me like I was from another planet and said, "Of course we ate, how silly."

Yeah, he may be sucking up, but, hey, it worked.



Lisa said...

How cute. The innocence of kids that age truly is priceless isn't it?

Walker said...

That was nice of him to bring you something from his trip to Sixflagsfiestatexas.
Says alot about how he feels about his teacher, the whole class for that matter.
How could you ask him if he ate anything.
You should have asked him what he didn't eat. LOL

mrhaney said...

very good post bennu. if your around children a lot you will have plenty of stories to share with us. good job.

Le laquet said...

Lovely! See, gotta love kids!