Sunday, March 12, 2006

Dating Update

I have been trying to date via an online dating site for two months. I signed up for 3, just to be able to say I gave it a fighting chance.

Many have "winked" at me, which is a short, prewritten one liner they can send for free. Several have sent form letters. A few were actually sincere and read my lengthy profile.

The last one I met, Mr. Ice Cream, was interesting. He wrote to me first. He was curious about my favorite ice cream, feigned some survey support of ice cream personalities. The banter was clever and interesting, both ways, mine and his. (Yes I can be cheeky when I wanna)

Anyway, I may have blogged this already. I gave him my phone number on a Sunday, via email. He didn't call. Tuesday, RJ and I were having our Pizza Buffet while his daughter was at dance lessons, and he asked about my dating life. I explained my disgust that Mr. Ice Cream hadn't called. WTF, it is TUESDAY, I am fussing.
Oh, he says, sometimes I do that. (uh yes, I know, that is why WE aren't dating, at least one of the reasons)
I flippantly reply, I bet he calls Saturday, while we are at the Chili Party. Just to see if I have a real life.


I am so smart... lol

Guess when he called... yep, you know it,

while we were at the chili party. I walked outside, talked a long time, it was light, fun, entertaining and again cheeky.

So, we made tentative plans for an ice cream date on Tuesday following. To be confirmed by a call from him on Monday. Well I think we all know my laundry dilemma by now. I asked Muse to go with me on Sunday to a place that has a laundry, bar, restaurant and car wash all in one, had to make laundry more fun. She couldn't go til Tuesday. I said, let me see if he calls.

Right before 9, on Monday night, I call her back and say, he hasn't called, let's go to the bar/laundromat tomorrow. Ok, it's a date.
I go to sleep. My phone rings at Friccken 9:40. Uh no, I didn't answer it. I called him back on Tuesday, at 4, and told him that i had to do laundry, and maybe we could do it another time. Actually, I told his voicemail. I know, not my best move, but I was already put out with his latent calls.

Long story short, I knew from his profile, he was expecting a thin, lanky woman, which I am not. He is a runner, marathon style and I could imagine (in the back of my mind) that I wasn't going to fit in this picture. However, I have been known to be wrong, so I invited him to breakfast at my favorite mexican food place, Panchitos. He accepted. I made sure I was there and at a table before him. He finally found me, sat down and things would go from strained and uncomfortable to very comfortable and then back again. He was truly surprised at my stay on the beach last summer. It was a nice breakfast but then he bolted, like his chair was on fire, something about a friend at a park, he had to be there by 11. Oh, ok, bye, enjoy the great weather.

So then RJ asks, a day or two later, whenever I saw him again, How did it go.

Just as I suspected, I am sure I won't be hearing from him again.

I just don't get it. I try my damnedest to get to know the person inside before deciding I don't like the package, not just the wrapper. If I didn't, there are people I would have missed out on completely and to me, that would have been so sad, and I would have missed their beauty all together, which is the most brilliant beauty you can ever see.

oh, other than Mr. Ice Cream, I haven't had any other strong prospects. Writing emails and being cheeky can be hard work, it takes almost as much "commitment" and work as a real relationship, so some of them just drop from the radar fairly soon.

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