Friday, March 17, 2006

What A Friend I AM

Last week RJ took his daughter to a hockey game, for something fun since it is spring break and he couldn't take off from work during the week to do something more exciting.

I, in my infinite state of little girl living in a grown up body, said "You never take ME to hockey games anymore!" ...

I don't remember what he said, but the conversation morphed into something else fairly quickly, thinking nothing of it, either of us, or so I thought.

Then a day or two ago (it is spring break, I don't remember what day is what, if it weren't for The Peanut Queen, I wouldn't know today is ST. Patricks Day), RJ said, "Want to go to the hockey game Saturday?" and of course I said "YES" emphatically.

Yesterday, My new friend, the one I met across the street from the muse, took me out for a beer and proceeded to ask me to fly to Albuquerque for the weekend...

I had to decline, as much as I wanted to accept... you see, I have an event to attend with a friend, and I don't break those plans whether tickets are involved or not.... so another weekend, and I was promised another chance would come, so I will wait and see how things progress.

Plus, I am looking forward to the hockey game and I do have an appt. to get my hair beautified on Saturday morning also....

but you have to admit, an offer to be spontaneous and fly off to New Mexico, to go to Santa Fe and do my Southwest Fetish shopping is pretty cool and has never happened to me before... ever and hopefully I will have another opportunity...

1 comment:

Walker said...

Sounds like thiongs are progressing with across the street. It that what we call him from now on "ATS" LOL
20 years ago I had a knock at the door and upon opening it there was a woman I met 3 weeks earlier standing there. She asked me if I wanted to go to Toronto.
I stared at her, I had known her but for a few hours and she was barely a pocketful and she cane to someone she barely knew and wasted to go for a road trip.
I said sure.
On leaving my mother who lives next door asked me where I was going and I told her where and with who.
She asked who is that.
I said, I don't know LOL
We have been best friends sinse.