Saturday, August 05, 2006

Bloggers and Expressing Yourself

When I first started blogging I met
two great bloggers
Roxxy and Alex Trex
I know little of either
and a great deal about both
Our time together was brief,
but we had a great time together
at a time
I believe
when we all needed to laugh
and have fun

and we did

Alex stopped blogging
because he cared too much
too much about what other people thought

now, granted
he is very attractive
in writing and wit
he is caring
and loving and
I believe
that we all
I mean, everyone who read his blog

had a crush on him....

yes, me too

but I hid it,

because I knew it would never be more
for one reason...

he had a list of what he wanted in a woman
and I didn't fit it
and he is much younger than

anyway, he had some stalkers
via internet
and it made his blogging life no fun at all

and so
he quit
then shortly after
Roxxy told a story from her life
that was very intense
and sad
and then she quit blogging

and in the months that followed,
at times, I missed them both terribly...

I missed the fun,
the made up new words,

and sometimes I even asked
Alex Trex Where are you...

and then as my life turned to mush last spring,
he reaapeared
in emails to me
trying to cheer me up
which was great
but guys,
he doesn't mince words
and he
like RJ,
would love to get his hands
on the man who broke my heart
or at least give him an earful.

And then a few weeks ago

Roxxy appeared in comments
I am so glad you are back Roxxy,
I know it won't be like it was before
but I do read
and I am glad
you stop by to read me.

I don't know what has happened to Roxxy over
the last year...
but here, Roxxy,

without being too revealing,
is what happened to Alex Trex

as I know it.

He married the woman he had just met on a plane
when we were all blogging.
She fit the list
and from what I can tell,
via email and what her comments are
through his emails,
she is very good for him.

They are trying to prepare to have children
and this is sometimes a difficult journey,
but I know it will all work out.
They both still travel the world for work
and when he is out of country,
there is not much contact.

He still cares about total strangers
and asks for advice for them

Me? give advice, Fuck, I can't even handle my own shit...

but I still say what I think,
and he still doesn't mince words.

Another blogger
and he knows who knows who he is,
has recently contemplated giving up blogging
when given much
shit over his thoughts on the screen
and I would hate to not
have his wonderful stories
heartwrenching stories
and celebrations to share
through what he writes

so the way I see it,
if you don't like what someone is writing
and you don't like what you are reading
You have a choice,
don't read it
Move on
leave them alone

I have said time and time again
this is my blog
I will say what I wish
I may leave names out
due to other's requests
I will not stop writing
or hide
or move...


I am glad Roxxy is back
I am glad that people do come here and read
sometimes more comments might make me
think more about my writing,
but other than that,

It is all good...

Express Yourself my blogger friends
Express yourself
and I will be here
to read and encourage
and I hope you will do the same.

As for the lurkers,
You are welcome anytime,
feel free to comment
or not.

Best of wishes to Alex Trex
and his journey through life
with a great woman by his side

I can't wait til there are baby pictures,
next year or the next,
but you better send them.


Vickie said...

I miss my friends when they go away...They are my friends.
I know one who is struggling now and talks of going away
just as you do....Most likely the same one. It pisses me
off what has been and is still being said and done to him.

People need to get a life of their own and stop trying to
stir and start something with someone just because you do
not like what they said or what someone else said they said
or just because your friend does not like them. Pick your
own battles to fight.....Gee I went on a rant here for our
friend but you know what I mean. :)

I know things have been very difficult for you recently and I
hope things will begin to allow your heart to find the peace
it needs so it may heal. You deserve happiness.

Nuella said...

Beautiful post, Bennu.

I missed you too. As for what has happened to me in the last year? Not much at all. Just trying to find myself. And in the midist of doing so, I found my true love.

Anonymous said...

The Heb B shot hurts like hell. Don't let them tell you otherwise. And you need a thypoid shot every 2 years. So if you're going out of the country- remember that. I need to get the yellow fever shot next.

You and are always in my heart. You had a crush on me? Wow. that's flattering.

Yeah, my list. I've gotten a lot of grief about it. :-) But er, I didn't want to be a 50 year old dad...pushing a baby jogger so my clock was a ticking.

When I'm 50, I want nubile hot chicks all over wife is beating the crap out of me.

It was a special relationship and one I will always cherish.

Now, I am to go on baby duty. Baby er...well you know...the fun stuff....:-).

Oh wait, I think I just pissed my wife off...oh honey...come back...I was only kidding....

I don't want hot nubile chicks...I'll take 50 of the seasoned ones...

What? What? What I say wrong this time?


Bennu said...

Oh AT, you make me laugh so... yeah, your wife should be hitting you on the arm, but we all know, she is the one who will always be the young hot nubile chick in your eyes, and you won't have any others.

Making babies, what fun...

and Roxxy, so glad to hear you have found yourself and the love of your life, esp.. at such a young age.

I love your post about the shoe box, it is my favorite and really made me think.

It was a great time, I hope we will all have more like it.

Walker said...

Sometimes life has its cruel moments, I know then very well and they can send you into a pin but I guess we hace to remember why we blog.
Is it for me or you and it's for me.
As for the hordes at the door.
They are going to have to take me out kicking.
I lost a good friend and blogger recently from blogging. I hope one day she returns