Monday, August 28, 2006

Latest Fortune Cookie Fortune

From Saturday evening
at PF Changs
with RJ

You deserve to discover new frontiers .... in bed

1 comment:

ljk said...

I thought I read his character right. He told me that he's started a relationship right after he got back. He was on the Internet dating site and met this one right before he went to India. I don't know if it was only one or how many, but he was on it. He told me that he decided what the hell because...I was going out with all these guys. I had told him these guys are MY FRIENDS. I don't think that's a good excuse and he should have told me.

So I'm hurt and very disappointed. I still care for him. He says he still cares for me. He wants me to stay in touch.

But...what for?

It was an amicable ending. What's the point of screaming and shouting. I know he didn't cheat on me physically, but he made this decision to pursue another relationship without ending it with me in India.

So I don't want any contact.

I feel sad that I made another poor choice. Yet, he was supportive when I needed it. And he did put in some effort.

But I feel betrayed. I just need to say this. I think you would understand. I took off the personal stuff on my blog.