Sunday, February 12, 2006

Under the Weather Can Be Scary

The cold front moved in and I finally gave in and caught the bug from one of my many students who have been ill in the last few weeks. It started off as an upset stomach that woke me up at 4 am on Tuesday or Wednesday. It inflated to tiredness, achy joints, and a desire to nap all day (yeah, try that with 22 five year olds around). It ended with the taking of antibiotics courtesy of JD and my friend RJ nursing me back to health on Friday night and Saturday. There is nothing like chicken noodle soup, Gatorade, and crackers to get me back on the road to recovery.
It is scary to be in a city where you have no family and get sick. It is so comforting to know that I have two close friends who will help me any way they can and vice versa.
That vision of dying and having the rats gnawing on me will go away in peace when I know there are others who will check on me daily and sometimes 3 times a day when they haven't heard from me.

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