Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Next Week's Letter of the Week is L...

Come on, think of all those L words and post them here...

Love is a given, and it will be V day next week... I still haven't gotten my cards or goodies for my kids... guess I better do that...

Lovely, lonely, little, light, litter, long, lines, life, late, latte (my personal fav), life, line, link, lion, lonely, like, likely, lilies, lick, luck, lucky...

ok, now I am distracted, so post them here... double points for 3 letter words.

1 comment:

Bennu said...

What a great list to wake up to. Lavender, HOW could I have not thought of that one?

You are so good to me, thank you. But, goodness gracious man, get some sleep... making lists after pumpkin time, what's up with that?