Monday, December 12, 2005

I'm So Excited (and I just can't hide it)

As of today, I have movers, I have a day to move, the 29th of December, and I have a fantastic place to move to.

Everytime another detail falls into place I get more and more excited. I drive by my new digs nearly everyday, I am so excited. I am about to call and get all utilities etc. moved over and in place and I am excited.

I have a New Year's Eve game of Poker planned and I am excited.

Now all I have to do is pack and have it all ready for when the movers show up. I also need to get this place spic and span so it will be a no brainer after moving day.

Chief (dog) needs a new home, but I think that will fall into place soon as well. We will see...

1 comment:

Le laquet said...

good news about the moving day ~ new year, new home, new joy and all that!