Saturday, November 12, 2005


Many things are on my mind this evening, and some not at all.

Less than a week now til I meet J.D. After discussing the situation with RJ, I am told, I may be a demolition expert. I tend to agree. So, if I make it til next Saturday, without creating an explosion, I will meet J.D.

Friday at school we had Stone Soup, after learning all about the book all week. The students brought veggies and all the stuff they mention in the book. We cooked on a hotplate and ate a little of it after all had eaten their lunch. The kids all loved it. We are going to have a great week this week too. Creating turkeys for Thanksgiving, out of dried gourds and having a FEAST on Friday. I can't wait til we are celebrating Christmas... I love the holidays and my students and I have so much fun.

Today I watched Diary of a Mad Black Woman and it was pretty good, and then I watch Breakfast at Tiffany's, which was great and I don't think I had ever seen the whole thing. Pretty racy stuff being a man who is kept by a rich married woman... for when it was made... There was a line in Diary that I really liked, and maybe someday I will have the opportunity to use it. There was a scene where the woman is breaking up with the new boyfriend, and asks him to be friends... and he says something to the effect of "you just don't get it do you? Why would I give you up only to give you the best part of me? " You go guy, I know that feeling exactly.

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