Sunday, September 30, 2007

Much Ado or Much To Do

Gone for 4 days
Back for 1 afternoon

Couldn't wait to get back
Now wishing I could have stayed

Came home with an itch
that I didn't go with
guess the smoke
and dry air
and lack of bottled water
did not agree with me

All clothes stink of smoke
so laundry had to be done

the manchild lost/quit
yet another job
and spent money on things
other than a place to live

Haven't thought much
about work
so tomorrow
there will be much
magic being done
(pulling lessons and things
to do out of my magic hat)

Need to call the dr.
regarding the itch

Open a new checking acct.
at Wachovia
(get a gift cert. to Academy
is the incentive)

Grocery Shopping
since he ate all the
snack stuff I had
and I need food for the week

Glasses need adjusting
but that has been going on
for a month

paying of bills
cleaning of dining room

But my trip
was a good one
my mom loved her
Birthday Cake
Italian Cream
that I baked for her
and I sang to her as well
it was great

I visited my favorite
shop that
was one I went to
often in my younger days
and it was filled
with those that are the age
of what I once was
when I was there

Purchased a mermaid siren
whose arm was
mysteriously broken
by the time I got her home
and it is no where to be found
so she is in the trash

also picked up a Bennu pendant
and a horny toad charm

I met a really nice teacher
from another nearby district
on the plane
and that is a good thing
She is in a book club and
invited me to join
which I will

Since a move is in my future
her district is an option
so any new friends
and friends of theirs
is always good
but a good "insider"
is good as well
so it is a twofer

I did have a guy
wanting to take me to dinner
I turned him down
I have enough drama right now
don't need more...

I did contemplate it
I would like someone in my life
but right now
it just isn't good for me

My to do list is long enough

have a great week...

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