Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Big Day or I call Calf Rope

Tonight while on the phone
with RJ for the third time
I was trying to do some
home improvements
with no instructions
for the installation
of something so simple
it should not have taken
a single phone call
but it did,
it took two
to ask about the
funky screw parts
that I was trying to
make a hole in the wall to fit

they aren't Molly Bolts
I know what those are
and how they work
but these,
these were something I am not
familiar with

any way
the third phone call
was to say
I Call Calf Rope
and RJ asked
what does that mean?

I was floored
I thought he knew everything
and I can't believe
I hadn't ever said it to him.

Calf Rope
which means,
to those of you

I surrender

I never think about others
not knowing it
I know it is not common
to just the area where I grew up
because Mr. Duvall
uses that term as well
so maybe it is a farm thing
or a small town thing
or a cowboy thing
if you know you can tell me

but today
I surrender

I have had tribulations at work
I have had troubles with Apt. Property managers
at home
I have had upset parents of children
for things unrelated to me
A child was lost
because he didn't stay with his "group"
but I found him

I had a great op
or so I thought
for a time share at the beach
and from all the advice
I gathered from others
I chose against it
even though I still think
it was a great deal
and it was hard giving in
to the idea that I shouldn't do it
at least not right now.

I walked today
I worked today
I tried to drill holes
in my bathroom wall
but alas
that will have to wait
til the morrow

Now I will sleep
and with the rain on the windows
perhaps I will sleep well
so I can tackle
the tasks I have tomorrow

and deal well
with the unseen trials
and tribulations
that tomorrow may bring...



Walker said...

I have been working in the WR to easier to paint the sucker than wash the walls LOL
They come up with all sorts of things no a days so I am not surprised to see you confused, i do to until i am showed once at least

muse said...

I think that is a morning job...after tea! I'm not thinking a brain tired-stressed out kinder teacher should try and tackle that job in the evening.