Friday, October 20, 2006

TGIF: I have a date with Mr. Turnaround

This week has been a stressful one where work is concerned
I am really glad it is over
Or at least nearly over

AND I have a date with Mr. Turnaround
I am really excited about that
since neither of us
has to get up early in the morning
so we don't have to
worry about going home and going to sleep
so we aren't zombies

I don't know what we are going to do
but I do know
that he has to be at the highschool ball game gate
so that students of the Jr. High can get in for free
and RJ thinks I should surprise him there
but I am not so sure

I look forward to Fridays
but they seem to be
my melt down day

I am so exhausted from working my ass off all week
that I just melt down and veg out
when work is over
or I fall asleep on the couch

so I am not so sure
I will be much fun
on my date
but I do know
that I am really looking forward to seeing him

and he even said that he would go
to the haunted house with me

that's a big plus

so we will see

The World Series Starts Saturday
I know that he will be watching that
and I might get offered a ticket to watch it with him
if I don't distract him

hmmmm not even during the commericials?


yes I am still giddy, yes even RJ,
who saw me Wednesday,
says I have that stupid grin

I hope I don't get my heart broken again
at least not soon
because I am finding it harder and harder
to open my heart to someone
each time

but so far
this time
is all good

no dishonesty
or lying (that I know of)
and pretty straight forward

although hard to read at times

1 comment:

ljk said...

I hear you, sister!
It's great that you met someone already and I hope this one works out for you. As for surprising him at the gate, only you can gauge what the right thing to do is.