Saturday, October 14, 2006

I Started a Scary Fire

First of all

Breakfast was great on Thursday
but no prospects on when
the next date will be
I am trying to be patient
but I find
I am more impatient
each time
and I like knowing when I will see
someone I really like again

but again, I am trying to be patient

on to the shit

I have had 3, count them, 3 shitty days
I have taken them harder
that they truly were
but to me
all three (and this is just the beginning of the third)
have been shit, pure shit.

Little things that I usually could just let go
drives me nuts
like the slowest checker on earth
at the grocery store
or the landlord
putting a note in my box stating
I hadn't paid my rent, when I had
and I had a duplicate copy of my check
and a photocopy of the check after he cashed it
or deadlines at school I am not sure I can make
or wishing a man would call when he hasn't
(he did, but he didn't make another date yet, I am still working on that patience thing)
or the fact I watch only one show these days
on TV, although there are several I like
I make it a point to watch Gray's Anatomy
and this week it really hit a little too
close to home and that pissed me off
or parents at school throwing a fit
because someone took their child's quarter
and I didn't give it back to him,
because another child claimed it
The substitute teacher was there
I was attending a waste of time ESL training

so you see that list could be longer
but wait

I have been contemplating where in my house
to put my prized antique floor lamp
and I finally had a revelation
of where would be the perfect spot
in my dining room
so I moved the water dispenser
to the kitchen
where the metal shelf of canned food was
and moved the shelf next to the stove
and the folding chairs to the hall closet
(so you know there was prep work to be done)
and then I moved the lamp
and got down on the floor to see where
behind the Possum Belly Cabinet there was an outlet
to plug it into

and of course
it was right behind the leg of the cabinet
so I shifted the cabinet,
which is full of my prized dishes
and crystal
and plugged it in
got up and tried to turn the lamp on
so I get back down on the floor
ready to unplug it from one spot
and into the other
to see if that helps
and the outlet is melting
before my eyes
I quickly unplug the lamp
and watch to see if the hole in the wall
gets any bigger
and think

Shit girl, you could have done this after most humans
are up on Saturday Morning
but no, you do it at 6 am
after you have already been to Starbucks for Chai Tea
and you can't call anyone
except the fire dept.

that might be fun
no, quit that

ok, so I will call the landlord
and get the answering service
and I am sitting here,
waiting for them to call back
the hole isn't any bigger
but it is warm against the wall
so I think it is smoldering in the wall
but I am watching it...
with the other lights on
like an idiot
but I don't know where all the breakers are

RJ is suppose to have breakfast with me today
so we will see
what he thinks

then I look at my horoscope for the day
which has been right on for several days now

and it said:

If it's at all possible today, avoid driving or operating any heavy machinery. If this sounds like a prescription label to you, then just think of it as a prescription for your day. The big problem will be your energy -- it will not be dependable. Expect mood swings that send you off in unexpected directions. Your mind will wander with little (if any) provocation. Recent revelations on your mind may keep you from fully focusing on the tasks that demand your attention.

and dammit
I want to know when I get to see
Mr. Turnaround again
but I am not calling him or emailing him

and why didn't I read that before playing with electricity?

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