Monday, May 08, 2006

It's All About ME

Stolen from La Laquet ... here you go ... it's all about me, me, me, me, me!
I AM :: able to pinch with my toes
I WANT :: to be at peace with myself and others
I WISH :: I could have the time with my children when they were little back again.
I HATE :: dishonesty and losing trust
I MISS :: the flexibilty of teenage bones! I bounced out of bed and swam each day and had boundless energy ... no I drag myself out of the pit each morning and need caffeine to keep me going! and this one was Jo's but I agree with it so fervently that I couldn't change it
I FEAR :: cockroaches that can fly...
I HEAR :: peace and quiet, no noise in my neighborhood this time of th emorning
I WONDER :: if I am meant to be alone, *smiles sadly*, it would just be nice to know... then I could relax and stop trying to meet a good man.
I REGRET :: not putting my children's pictures in albums.
I AM NOT :: sexist, racist, ageist or homophobic.*yes, Jo's again, but it fits
I DANCE :: every chance I get
I SING :: to my little charges everyday and when I have the music up so loud you can't hear me, I can't carry a tune in a bucket
I CRY :: easily, because I am a very passionate person, and they flow when I'm both happy and sad.
I AM NOT ALWAYS :: as nice as I want to be, but I am working on it
I MAKE WITH MY HANDS :: wonderful creations in clay, copper enamel art, paintings, weavings of all kinds, and badly written blog entries.
I WRITE :: my blog, poetry, lesson plans, curriculum for teachers, presentations on Critical Thinking and letters to my friends and family.
I CONFUSE :: the sincerity of people and their motives
I NEED :: time to heal
I SHOULD :: be in bed alseep.
I START :: worrying when I shouldn't
I FINISH :: first, last, or in the middle, but as long as I finish, I am happy (think about it, it will make sense in a second)


Vickie said...

Bennu, A friend suggested I might find your blog interesting and enjoy reading you. He was very right so I will be returning often. Our heart is delicate when it comes to feelings how nice it would be if only we could turn them off and on as we do water at the water facet but that is not the way of life is it? Time helps but scars always remain, take care of yourself and with friends like you have you will grow stronger each day.

Le laquet said...

You can pinch with your toes? I can pick up a pencil but I can't pinch! I have been trying to write a comment on here since Sunday morning without sounding too maudlin / sappy ... still having difficulty with it so I am going for the "blokey/matey*" style ~ sorry life's shitty right now, you want me to go and slap** anyone for you?

* i.e. male
** obviously not too blokey or else it would be a punch and not a girlie slap! I realise theres a lot of English in this comment, sorry :o)

Le laquet said...

By English I mean bloke / matey / girlie ... I really dont know whether you use any of those in American English! :o)

Bennu said...


If everyone who wants to hit him, actually did, it would be like the lottery, where they threw stones to kill someone.

Mental Daggars will do, Thanks,

yes I can pinch with my toes and pick things up off the floor or the sand at the beach or in the water. I am glad you stopped by and I really like it when you use your "english", would that be the "king's english"? Is that the right term?

Le laquet said...

Actually that would be as far from the queen's English as you could get ... not posh/correct enough! :o) Mental daggers now in use!