Tuesday, April 01, 2008

April Fools

I love April Fools day
I have been known
to really pull some good pranks
but this year,
none of them seem
to be appropriate
I mean
I could have done something
to make Tater think
I was mad
or breaking up with him

but today he was
going under the knife
for a hernia
so that wouldn't be nice would it?

I could have pulled pranks
on my students
but they are so freaked out
by me being gone last week
and packing up all my stuff
that wouldn't be good would it?

I could have pulled a prank on the muse
or RJ
but we all have so much stress right now
I don't think it would lighten the load

I could have pulled a prank on my mom
but she is still in the hospital
at least until tomorrow
it looks like they are going to release her
mainly due to bad behavior
she is a bad patient
and she really isn't ready to go home
but it looks like they are going to send her

so I am going to be on my way north
on Thursday morning
after I get my tires balanced and rotated tomorrow...
and I get a few other things in order

I think
this year
the prank was on me,
I just thought I was going to get to stay home
longer than a week...

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