Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Long Road Home

I will be on my way
back to the city
I now call home
first thing
very early
tomorrow (Thursday)

I have such mixed emotions
my mom is in a
Long Term Acute Care Facility
she will be there for about 3 more weeks
so we saw no need in me
being here,
taking time from work
that is unpaid
while she is there
and others can take care of her

so I am going home
and I will be excited to see
my 22 charges
that I hear are being worked
hard and are working hard
so we will see on Friday

I am excited about seeing Tater
Yes, I did give him another chance
and so far, things are really good

you know, it is hard to give up a man
who thinks you are beautiful inside and out
and calls often, writes often, and takes you out
even when he wants to stay in with you
It is quite a change from others of late
and hopefully,
as I climb out onto that limb
it will be a strong one that will hold me up
and not break and let me take a hard fall.

I am looking forward to sleeping in my own bed
I am looking forward to planting my spring plants
which I wanted to do during Spring Break
and fixing up my back yard.

I still feel guilty about leaving

Such a mixed bag of emotions...
I am just trying to keep them from
spilling out all over the place.

So, tomorrow, I take the long road home
only to look forward to retracing my steps
in about 3 weeks
when she will be coming home from the hospital.

1 comment:

Walker said...

Its hard when you live far from those you care about when they are sick.
I hope you mother recovers fully.