Saturday, July 07, 2007

40 days and 40 nights

it has been raining here
and it is

I can't sit by the pool
I can't walk every day
like today, it was raining
when I got up
when it stopped
I had laundry I had to get done
so I used the
interim "no water falling from the sky"
to put my laundry
in the wash
and then it rained off
and on while I was
waiting for it to get done,
transfer to the dryer
or bring in and hang up
which I did,
despite the rain
and in between
I was working on
cleaning the kitchen

which with my son here
is the
never ending story
or task
and the one day I asked him
to do the dishes
I ended up
doing them all over
not because I am so picky
but they really were
NOT clean

but he is at work today
so I did the dishes
and laundry
and it may start raining
any minute
but now I don't have time
to walk
before I cook lunch
or after
or later
because I do have
dinner plans

so today, today
the rain is keeping me
from walking

and there is standing water
and since my son
has some "payback" work
to do for me
I had him venture into the back yard
a couple of afternoons ago
to retrieve some camp folding chairs
that were out in the weather,
and a cooler
and throw some other stuff away

but after asking him
4 or 5 times
to carry them around to the front yard
and take them out of the cases
and wash them down with a hose
I gave up
and did it myself
I mean he was standing there
and if I needed him to move something
he did it
but he wasn't getting his hands dirty

anyway, I left the chairs
open and out in the yard
so that they could dry out
and they haven't had a chance to get dry

in fact, I have emptied water
out of them every day
and sometimes twice a day
and the grass is so wet
that water is standing
and it is like walking through a bog

so the yard looks like
I had a wild party last night
or for a few days
but not yet I haven't
although I do have one
in the making

so the rain is keeping me from getting
that stuff put up

The rain is not my friend
I don't do well with
cloudy days
one or two is ok
but days and days
or 40 of them
is not good for my psyche'

and those who know me
can see the effects

The muse suggested I try
a tanning bed
to see if that would help
but I am not doing that

I am going to try to make
my own sunshine
and hope that the rain ends soon

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