Sunday, February 25, 2007

A Wonderful Day

I worked my ass off
last week
preparing for next week
so that on Friday
yes, day before yesterday
I could leave work right away
and take my new friend
on an adventure

Originally, he had suggested
we go to Fredericksburg

"Have you been there?"
he asked

"Uh... yeah, but if you
want to go there, we can..."

"No... let's go somewhere
sometime that we have both
not been to" he said

and I smiled....

thanks, I wasn't up for another
F-Burg Fiasco

between the waterboy
and others who won't be named
I don't have much (ok, any) desire
to go there...

so I thought up a great adventure
and I asked if he
wanted to know
what I had planned

"No, I like surprises"

so I rented a room
on the island
with two beds

I cut out coupons for discounts
at the Lexington
(hey, I haven't been to see the blue ghost, so what if I have been to CC before, I love the beach, we all know that)

and I hoped we would
have a great
cajun boiled seafood dinner

and Friday
we were off
for a day of adventure

It was great

He was thrilled,
He knows more American History
than I do
great details
and it was like having
my own personal tour guide

We did walk a little on the beach
before we got on the ship
and it was a sunny, warm day
with cool water on my feet...

I could not have created better weather
if I had that capability

but the best part

the best part
was that I told him
that the room had "two beds"
with the hint that I would like
to NOT go TOO far
just yet
and he said
"well, I would really
like to sleep next to you
and hold you, but if you would rather I sleep
in another bed, I will"


"Ok, you can sleep with me
IF you can behave yourself"

"I promise" he said

*man, I have heard that before...

but he did, he was great
he kept his word
even though I could tell
he didn't want to keep his word

but if he only knew
what it meant to me
he would know that
he would reap great benefits
from it in the future

Boys and Girls
the lesson here
is that he may just give
Mr. Duvall a run for his money
for the award:

Best man in Bennu's life

In the category of:

How to treat Bennu

It was a wonderful time
and neither of us wanted the day to end
and return home
but we did

even though I had a choice
he offered to stay another day

but he was honest

he could not promise
he would "behave"

and I laughed...
that's good to know
I thought

I am not sure I could behave either

so we came home

and I slept alone
in my bed
and actually got some rest

and I have a whole day
to continue getting ready for my week.

And listen to Norah Jones...

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