Friday, November 07, 2008

My Heart is Open to Love

You know
that can be read
many different ways
depending on the inflection
you inflict

but it is true
and I have a necklace
with an open heart
that states it

tonight I sit in a motel room
hundreds of miles
away from home
exhausted from a day
of listening and learning
at a three day conference
with one day left
before I head home

A week has passed
since my great halloween date
and I am missing
my new compadre tonight
wishing to hear the familiar
ring of the cell phone
or see an email notification
to know he
is missing me as well
I refuse to call
because I know all too well
that feeling
of receiving a call
or email
or text message
from someone that seems
much too eager to talk to me
when i am not as eager to talk
to them
so I refuse to call
and I have been
since last Sunday

so I resist the temptation
by distracting myself
with other emails
phone calls
and surfing the net
for info related to the conference

As hunger set in
after a long tiring day
I walked over to the nearest
a mexican food place
that is not as good as 99%
of the ones in the Alamo City
and I am seated at a table
in between two large party tables
and backed up against a wall

At first I don't pay much attention
to the people around me
but as I settle in
voices float around me
and conversations begin to filter
into my head

In front of me, a woman
short, blond and a big talker
looking at the man to her right
as she was attempting to make a point
and make eye contact with him
He, on the other hand,
was looking at the brunette woman to his right
and even though
he didn't look at the blond
you could tell he was listening

My eyes continued to be transfixed
on him as curiousity washed over me
as to which woman he was with
so discreetly as could be
I studied the dynamics of the table
in front of me

there were two men and two women
so there were two couples
the blond was obviously
upset that the man to her right
that had on a fishing tshirt
was not looking at her
as she spoke

the brunette
talked intermittantly
and all eyes were on her as she spoke
the fishing man
was obviously with her
for as she spoke
he looked at her
with eyes of adoration
it was obvious,
there was some serious
lovin' going on
He hung on every word
she said
and her body language

Sparkling eyes
small smirky, but yet sexy smile
his love and admiration
could not be mistaken
and was so refreshing to see
I cannot remember
the last time I saw a man
look at someone so sincerely
and with such love
The fourth man

at the table
was non descript
and the blonde woman
was obviously well aware
of the dynamics
of the relationships and feelings
at the table

She was coveting
what the brunette had
and trying to compensate
for the envy she felt
to no avail

it was all my interpretation
but it was plainly in view

my main interest
and what really struck me
with great awe

was a man showing his love
all over his face
as plainly as could be
in the company of others

I was envious as well
so I touched my open heart
that hangs around my neck
and thought the good thought

My man will do the same
when I find him
or he finds me

Walking back to the motel
the disappointment of the food
passed through my mind
but a smile found itself
on my face
as the revelation
that the food was disappointing
but the view was not
it was uplifting, promising
and left me with hope and joy

You never know what you might find
regardless of why you are there

1 comment:

muse said...

I would like to think that there are men who can't contain their love and affection for a woman. Lately I have been experiencing fleeting gazings-and I have to say-I like it-I like it alot.

Thanks for bartering, my friend.