Sunday, April 09, 2006

The curse is broken

Once upon a time I lived in Rockport Texas. While there I took a walk often down by the bay. A 5 mile walk total, and I loved it every weekend. One day while walking I saw a woman about my age rollerblading down the street.

I could do that! I thought, so I went out and got some blades. I rode them about 4 times a week. There was a brand spanking newly laid asphalt street near our house that was over two miles long. At the end of the street there is a motorhome park that is paved in cement, so I would roll in there and go up and down the rows before returning to the smooth black comfort of the street and head home.

I skated that route and around the highschool which was on the other end of the street nearly every day during the week for over 3 months. My thighs, my butt, my calves, and my stomach all reaped the benefits. It is by far the best exercise I have enjoyed.

Of course all good things come to an end. I chose to move to New Braunfels to try to revive a marriage, and we all know that didn't pan out. There was not a fantastic street, that is flat and smooth for skating. There were many inclines and rough asphalt, and I was busy trying to save a sinking ship.

Then when it failed, I began hiking and while out one day I jumped down off a small ridge and blew out my Anterior Cruciate Ligament in my left knee. Having never had surgery or health problems that weren't child bearing related, I was the biggest baby and my recovery was not as I would have liked.

I have been studying fear as of late. It is so interesting how much fear rules our lives. It certainly does mine at times, when I don't want it to at all.
I have been in my skates once since my surgery, while out one night with RJ. I talked him into helping me see if I could get into them and stand up with my knee. Of course we had been drinking. I could skate, I was thrilled. I had on my knee brace and it was a dark parking lot/street and RJ had on boots so he couldn't keep up with me... so I just skated to the end of the street and back.

Since then there were issues with children, moving, jobs and all that other stuff that life is made of. And then... then there was yesterday.

I needed to get my mind off of where ATS was, and RJ was kind enough to join me at Woodlawn park. I rolled very ungracefully around the 1.33 trail, with RJ right there, in his running shoes, holding my hand until the fear of falling on my knee subsided. Of course I had to stop a few times to catch my breath and rebuild my strength in believing I would be ok to continue.

Woo Hoo, I made it, I rollerbladed, I didn't fall down, and I could tell how much it was going to make me feel better, if I went to do it more often.

Today, I believe I will try to do the same, except without RJ (he is in his cave) and near my abode.

It elevates my mood to see that I can conquer that fear, not only where my heart is concerned (yes, that is going well so far) but also in other areas.

Don't let fear rule your life, go out, be brave, try something you have been wanting to try, do something you want to do, as long as it is not harming others or hurting others.

Break your own curse.


Walker said...

Fantastic post.
You should never be afraid to do something or go for something. If it makes you happy you should persue it.
I was in an accident that left me on my back for two years and with the prospect of never walking again. Well I walked and then I wanted to play soccer to the horror of my parents, and I did and did for years.
You should no have to limit yourself because of fear.
That will only influence how you live and think with everything you do in life.
You won't buy a house because you fear you won't be able to afford it.
You don't leave the city you live in because you fear that you wont make it.
You avoid relationships out of fear.
I think the main fear here though, is fearing the unknown.
It's great you got back in the saddle and went for a skate.
Just remember fear is a friend and shouldn't be used as an excuse. :)

Bennu said...

walker, as always you are a great inspiration and friend who is wise beyond comprehension. Glad to hear you were a soccer guru..

skye, thanks, you can do it too, give it a go