Saturday, December 26, 2009

A New Beginning

When I first started this blog
I used it as a way to get my
List of the Day
knowing it would make me feel accountable
because others could read it.

Now, I am returning to that point
for awhile

My list for the next week

Clean and organize the 4 rooms I have in my house
Not an easy chore
each will take a minimum of a day
and the living room will take longer than that

having moved in August
having not packed my own stuff
and figuring out how it was packed
by someone else
and where to put it
or repack it for another time
or get rid of it

I don't know what room I will start with
but I will decide that each morning.

This is in preparation of my new life
that I will start in less than a week.

I have procrastinated for the last several years
and this is the year I have to make
the change of a lifetime

It will be life changing
but first

my list for the week

clean each room of the house
pick a room each morning
give myself two full days for the living room
ask for help with heavy stuff
clean out the car first (guess I know what I am doing tomorrow)
go to laundromat and do laundry (big chore)
make an appointment to get eyes checked
work on my organization at work (2 day minimum)

organize makeup, throw out the old
sweep and mop floor
wipe down counter
organize storage closet

Organize drawers to be more efficient
Clean off dresser and chest
get three lamps in place and working
organize closet
iron and put the bedskirt on the bed

Wash dishes
clean off counters
clean off table (covered in stuff I don't know where to put)
sweep the floor
mop the floor
clean the stove top
organize the pantry

Living room
clean off coffee table
get old tvs out of the house
go through at least 6 boxes that aren't unpacked
Unpack and hang witches balls
set up floor lamps in usable areas
hang pictures
take better care of plants
take clock to clock shop to be fixed
take boxes to storage of things I am not unpacking
sweep and mop floors
set up new bed for Tinkerbell
set up new "potty area" for Tinkerbell

get long "internet cable" to take to living room from bedroom

wow, it is so overwhelming to look at in person
but in a list,
it seems do-able

if I can keep my energy up...

tomorrow I will pick a room in addition to laundry
and the car
and I will let you know what I am doing...

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