Thursday, July 31, 2008


I have been unpacking boxes
unpacking boxes
unpacking boxes

.... a sea of boxes is right

and furniture
that beckons to be cleaned
with Murphy's Oil Soap
then oiled
as it drinks in the new life
from the tung oil

my bed is covered with items
overflowing from drawers
that need to have more useful contents
like clothing

my dirty clothes hamper
is overflowing,
eagerly awaiting their turn
in the washer down the hall
looking forward to the fresh smell
of Downey
or the dryer sheets

empty boxes block my front door
my only door really,
even though there are 3 more,
none of them reach the ground safely

the dumpster beckons
to be fed
and my back
begs for mercy

the pool is calling my name
and yet,
in order to have company this weekend
I must continue
on my quest
rid my new home
of all boxes
cardboard in nature
and to have a new
resting place for all that
made the cut
and traveled uptown with me...

then it will be my oasis
and not just a mirage
calling my name

the light at the end of the tunnel
is dim
but it is there
and hopefully will flood my world
in two days or so

1 comment:

muse said...

The light at the end of the tunnel is growing larger-move toward the light.

Great post!