Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Lower the Life Boats

It has been raining here all day
Not just a steady slow rain
but pouring

I got up,
dressed for my walk
saw it was cloudy out
drank my tea
put on my shoes
put my house key
and cell phone
in my pocket and walked outside
that is when it started raining
and I keep waiting for it
to stop
for an hour or so
so at least I
it is safe to venture out
for over an hour
on a walk

but it hasn't
and now,
well now I a sleepy
because I don't have
a man here
to roll around in bed with
on a rainy day
the next best thing to that
is having a nap
so I think I will go have one.

Hope you are
high and dry
or have the life boat
close by

I wish I had a lifeboat
but I don't
I have to save myself
and right now,
a nap is the answer.

1 comment:

Memphis said...

I have no lifeboat either, and I could use a good nap.